Kentucky Early Childhood Data System (KEDS)
Preschool Data Collection
Tasks & Timelines
Data Requirements
Required Student Data
Demographic and assessment data are required to be submitted to KEDS for
all students receiving state-funded preschool services, regardless of setting,
who have an active IEP or are at-risk.
This includes students receiving itinerant services, such as speech-only services.
Optional Student Data
Districts may opt to submit data for non-required students, including:
Head Start students without an IEP
Tuition paying preschoolers
Students funded through Title 1
Children receiving KY Response to Intervention (KTI) services
Demographic Data
Student data is imported into KEDS Online from Infinite Campus (IC) on a weekly basis. District coordinators are responsible for ensuring that student records in KEDS Online are accurate, making any necessary changes, and marking records as verified. Once a record has been verified, it becomes locked.
It is recommended to have all student information entered in IC prior to the opening of KEDS Online as it can take up to a week for updates made in IC to appear in KEDS Online.
Assessment Data
Districts must use an approved assessments and ensure that every item has a score and that all assessment records entered in publisher's online systems include a 10-digit state issued identifer (SSID).
KEDS Online opens for a set period for data entry three times each year. Baseline, or entry, data should be collected the first season a student enrolls in the preschool program. Students are then assessed semi-annually until they exit the preschool program.
All Enrolled Students Assessed
KEDS Online is open for data entry: September 15 - November 15
Recommended observation period: First Day of School - Assessment Completed
Recommended assessment window: August 1 - October 1
Only Late Enrolling Students Assessed
KEDS Online is open for data entry: December 1 - January 31
Recommended observation period: First Day of School - Assessment Completed
Recommended assessment window: November 1 - January 15 or within 4-6 weeks of enrollment
All Enrolled Students Assessed
KEDS Online is open for data entry: April 1 - May 30
Recommended observation period: March 1 - Assessment Completed
Recommended assessment window: March 1 - May 1
Tasks to be Completed
Each Data Collection Season

Watch for Announcements
Look for the KEDS Welcome email in your inbox to get updates and announcements at the beginning of each data collection season. View or participate in webinars each fall.

Manage Teacher Accounts
Coordinators create new accounts, and assign children to teachers in KEDS Online. Existing teacher accounts must be unlocked each fall.

Review Reports
Review the District Download Report from last season in KEDS Online; if you had ineligible students missing SSIDS, make sure you and anyone entering assessment data know where to enter the 10-digit Student State IDs.

Enter, Update & Verify Demographic Data
Enter additional demographic data, make any necessary changes and then verify all child demographics in KEDS Online. It is recommended to have all records up to date in Infinite Campus (IC) prior to the opening of KEDS as it can take a week for updates made in IC to appear in KEDS.

Ensure KEDS Has Administrative Access
Notify KEDS if you’ve changed assessments. If using a publisher's online system, ensure KEDS has administrative access so that your data can be downloaded. You can use hdi-ectech@l.uky.edu as the email for establishing account access for KEDS.

Meet the Deadlines
Make sure you know when KEDS is open for data collection. It is recommended to have all Infinite Campus information entered prior to the opening of KEDS to prevent delays in KEDS data entry. IC data is imported weekly.

Note Required Students
Assessment and demographic data are required for all students receiving state-funded preschool services with an IEP or who are at-risk, no matter where services are provided, even if they are only receiving itinerant services such as speech therapy.

Enter Assessment Data
Ensure assessment data is entered into KEDS Online or Publisher's Online System and that student state ID#s (SSIDs) are included. Data are not complete unless every item has a score and students' State ID#s (SSIDs) are included in the assessment record.